A bug fix release. The main reason for releasing it is that SyncEvolution 1.0
no longer worked on recent distros (Fedora Core 13, Debian testing) because of
a name clash between the Bluez D-Bus utility code and recent glib.
Setting up a phone used the template name as config name and overwrote an existing configuration of another phone that was created using that same template. Now the code uses the Bluetooth device name as set on the device and checks for (less likely) collisions. It also sanitizes the name to avoid complicated config names (only relevant when also using the command line).
The redundant charset specification was set by the Funambol Thunderbird
client. Because of a literal comparison against ‘application/vnd.syncml+xml’
the messages were rejected.
When running operations on a non-peer configuration (like –restore @default
addressbook), the operation fails with [ERROR] : type ‘select
backend’ not supported
Source snapshots are in http://downloads.syncevolution.org/syncevolution/sources i386, amd64 and lpia binaries of 1.0 for Debian-based distributions are available via the “stable” syncevolution.org repository. Add the following entry to your /apt/source.list, then install “syncevolution-evolution”:
deb http://downloads.syncevolution.org/apt stable main
These binaries include the “sync-ui” GTK GUI and were compiled for Ubuntu 8.04
LTS (Hardy). Older distributions like Debian 4.0 (Etch) can no longer be
supported with precompiled binaries because of missing libraries, but the
source still compiles when not enabling the GUI (the default). The same
binaries are also available as .tar.gz and .rpm archives in
http://downloads.syncevolution.org/syncevolution/evolution. In contrast to
0.8.x archives, the 1.0 .tar.gz archives have to be unpacked and the content
must be moved to /usr, because several files would not be found
otherwise. After installation, follow the [getting
started](/documentation/getting-started) steps.